Thursday, December 3, 2009

Have you ever had a myspy?

My husband and I have a myspace page which we communicate with a select group of friends from our past. It started out fun, tweaking the page with music and slide shows. Finding the most outlandish videos on youtube and sharing those with our friends. Putting photos of our life up for all to view. But then a person from the past started spying on our page. (We have a mutual friend who's comments recieve regular comments by this person to things we've had posted on our site.) So, naturally we headed over to check this persons page out who evidently realized this would happen as they installed a sitemeter. The sitemeter cookied us and tracked our internet surfing.

So, I don't know about myspace any longer. I know we dont want to be tracked and I know this person is in our past for a reason. We'd like to keep it that way. But, it's a pretty convenient way to communicate with our friends whom we otherwise rarely see or speak to. Has anyone had to deal with a myspy before? What to do?

Have you ever had a myspy?

cancel your myspace, erase all history in you internet, if you can and whala boom. that person is bye bye.

Have you ever had a myspy?

i have heard that that tracking thing dosent really work. but you make him seem really suspicous so he might have a real one.

block him or

delete your account

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