Please help!
I REALLY want to learn how to make my own myspace layout, and not tweak another persons. One of the things I really don't get is the fact some people say I need to learn CSS, but then others say I need to learn HTML coding?!?! SO which one?
Please help, and people on other questions like this gave crappy, confusing answers, like about, and they DO NOT do that anymore. AND someone said go to, and I can't understand a freakin word they say.
BUT i went to the "try it out editor" thing on there, but it gave me this tiled thing, How can I take like a picture and make it stretch like all the way across the page/ profile?!?!
Please give me a site or preferrably step by step instructions on how to make a layout!!!
Thanks so much for those who answer this question!
I will vote best answer!
Help! CSS or HTML??
HTML is the most important...
Help! CSS or HTML??
dont worry about css and html codes.......
Use this generator from
its really easy to use...just follow the instructions and when your done you can put the code inn any box in your profile...hope I helped! 10 points would be nice
Help! CSS or HTML??
Have a look on
It has a Layout Generator.
A basic knowledge of HTML is always good,
but if you can learn HTML and CSS,
you will be well on your way to making some great Websites.
Help! CSS or HTML??
HTML is markup you use to put content onto a page. CSS is a way of "styling" that content.
You could stick entirely with HTML and use embedded styling and tables instead of CSS, but a page styled with CSS is simpler to modify and maintain.
My recommendation would be to find a CSS based template that is close to what you envision, and play around with it until you learn enough HTML and CSS to be dangerous, as well as accomplish what you want.
Then you can struggle with getting the page to look good on more than one browser and become angry and frustrated like the rest of the web designers in the world!
Oh yeah, be sure and hang a string of garlic next to your computer and maybe wave a wooden cross around occasionally - it won't make the page look better, but it might help you avoid jumping out the window! :-)
Help! CSS or HTML??
First thing you need to do is learn the basic html commands.
Things like centering, font changes, image bars, comment boxes, ect.
There are tutorials all over myspace.
You can't learn without tweaking first.
I started out tweaking high profile div layouts and now I can make my own using JUST html.
check out
pick a layout you like or would like to learn how they did it, and read through the codes. change things, see what happens to the layout when you change them, learn what does what.
i've never used w3schools before, but it came up as #1 when i typed in html guide, try here:
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