Sunday, December 6, 2009

MySpace Codes/Tweaks?

I need a code to hide my friend COUNT ONLY. I want my top friends to show, but I want to replace the number with either a word, or hide the number area completely.

I've seen some pages in which it says so-and-so has "The Best" friends instead of the actual number...and I've seen some people put labels where the friends name would go, for example above the picture it says "My sister" or 'My cousin" and things like that.

I would like to get codes for both but mainly just to hide the friend count.

MySpace Codes/Tweaks?

Hmm... I've seen what you're talking about, but usually it was for custom top friends, where you replace their picture yourself and edit the count. My cousin has one, but I have no idea where she got it.

You might try, and look under myspace scripts. They have all kinds of codes there.

Or if no one here knows, log onto the forum for the site I gave you and ask there. There are all kinds of myspace 'experts' there.

Sorry I'm not more help. :-(

MySpace Codes/Tweaks?

Hey, I think this is the link you were looking for:

It allows you to create custom top friends, hide your friend count, and put custom headlines.

Only downside is you have to have your own image host for the profile picture. Hope that helps you out! Report It

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